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포스탈2 : 치트키
2003. 04. 14 11: 07
조회  4,383
Postal 2 Cheats-FLTDOX

Shift + ~ 키를 동시에 누르면 치트키창이 활성화됩니다.

치트창이열리면 SISSY 라고 입력하면 치트키모드


===치트키 ===

Alamode - God Mode

IAmSoLame - Gives all weapons, max ammo and turns you invinivible

위에거 두개만 써도 충분하더군요..^^

PackNHeat - Gives player every destructive weapon in the game

PayLoad - Set all current weapons to have lots of ammo

PiggyTreats - Gives lots of doughnuts

JewsForJesus - Gives player lots of cash

BoyAndHisDog - Gives player lots of dog treats (yep your dog is very useful when trained)

Jones - Gives player lots of health pipes

SwimWithFishes - Gives player all radar related items

FireInYourHole - Enables rocket cameras (fun!)

IAmTheOne - Gives player lots of catnip

LotsAPussy - Gives player lots of cats (for use as silencers)

BlockMyAss - Gives player body armor

SmackDatAss - Gives player the gimp suit

IAmTheLaw - Gives player the cop clothes

Healthful - Gives player full health and several (4) medkits

Whatchutalkinbout - Turns all non-player, bystander pawns into Gary Colemans

Oasma - Turns all non-player, bystander pawns into Fanatacs

RockinCats - Change any guns that can use cats as silencers to have

a cat on them and the cat will shoot off everytime and a new one will magically appear

DokkinCats - Removes cat repeating guns (turns them back to normal)

IFeelFree - Ghost mode (toggled, enter code again to turn off)

LikeABirdy - Fly mode (toggled, enter code again to turn off)

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