전체 > 일반자료실 > 치트
치트키입니다 ..
작성자 alsls1234
2004.09.14 01:14
조회  5,330
이거 복사하신후 메모장에 붙어넣기하시면 보기가 편할껍니다.. 컨트롤+ 시프트 +C 눌르면 활성화 댑니다 눌르신후 치트스면댑니다 영어라서 잘몰라서 걍 올림리다 돈올리는건 알겠네요 ^^; HOW TO GET IT TO WORK NOTE: Press CTRL+SHIFT+C to bring up the console and type the following codes in to cheat. Remember casesensitive when you use the cheats. Kaching = + 1000 in sim money. exit = Exit. expand = Expands the cheat window. moveObjects on = Turns moving of objects on. moveObjects off = Turns moving of objects off. aging -on = Turns aging of sims on. aging -off = Turns aging of sims off. autoPatch -on = Turns game autoupdate on. autoPatch -off = Tuens game autoupdate off. slowMotion # = Make you set the game speed. (# = 0 to 8, 0 is normal) TO USE THE REST OF THE CHEATS YOU MUST HAVE "PostProcessing" ENABLED!! boolProp enablePostProcessing true = Turns Postprocessing on. boolProp enablePostProcessing false = Tuens Postprocessing off. bloom rgb # = Sitcom flashback blur effect (# = 0.0 to 1.0) vignette # # # = Blurry bits at the edge of the screen. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) filmGrain # = Makes the screen grainy. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) letterBox # = Adds a letterbox effect to the view. (# = 0.0 to 0.4) Thanks to RELOADED for their nice release!!
댓글 작성
ksaowlr | 2006-01-11
돈올리기 좋은거있삼!!
kbe0130 | 2005-09-20
저기... 한글화로 풀이좀 해주세요!!
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